Wednesday 26 October 2016

Katherine Richmond - found objects jewellery

Katherine Richmond 

Katherine jewellery is all about the relationship between people and objects.
Her jewellery contains a strong emotional and physical relationship to the jewellery wearer. 
She is inspired by the vintage books which symbolizes the perfomance and longevites to create weareable objects. 
Most of her jewellery pieces are hand crafted.

Her jewellery pieces 

Neck pieces made up of old paper layers
Earrings made up of vintage paper book

Stephanie Ray - Geomatric Jewellery

Stephanie Ray 

Stephanie makes geometric jewellery which is inspired by mathematics shape, science and architecture. 
She makes her beautiful jewellery using black rhodium, silver and contrasting gold leaf.
The techniques she uses is hand making technique and computer CAD.

Jewellery pieces

Earrings made of
black rhodium and
gold leaf
Neck piece she made
using black rhodium
plated silver.